Friday, March 11, 2011

"Too Young"

I was in the office of my teaching establishment today and because I am only there one day a week, I am always looking for someone to let me in to make copies for my classes. Apparently, there is a set of keys for me at a far off destination, too far to visit for my one day a week affair.

Anyhow, I was sitting in the lobby eating some lunch when an instructor bounced into the locked office to get her mail. I saw my opportunity and asked her if I could jump in there to print something out, promising to close the door behind me.

Mature Instructor: "You teach?"
Me: "Yep, I teach public speaking here and at a high school."
Mature Instructor: "You look too young to be teaching."
Me: Smile, trying to look grown up (a daily task).
Mature Instructor: "So how do I know you are really an instructor?"
Me: Puzzled look. Thought bubble "What does she think? Does she think I'm going to hack the computer system to change my grade or something?"
Mature Instructor: "Let's see...pull up something on your computer that will prove to me that you are REALLY an instructor here."
Me: Hmmm. "Okay." I pull up the college website listing me as instructor of a trio of life-changing public speaking courses.
Mature Instructor: "Hmmph. Okay, just close the door when you're done."
Me: Satisfying smile.

I don't care that I look too young to be teaching courses. In fact, I will be mad when someone says that I actually look the appropriate age to be in this profession.