Monday, November 1, 2010

Working for...

I was driving into work today (something I dislike very much) and my mind wandered beyond the stacks of vehicles in front of me to all the jobs I have had. Starting a new job got me many people are defined not by who they are, but rather the career path they have chosen. What if I was defined by just the places I have been employed? I would be...

A concession stand worker, babysitter, hostess, sales associate (at a handful of fine establishments), sports editor, public relations intern, bartender, baseball grounds keeper, magazine editor-in-cheif, inventory tyrant, order keeper, college instructor, quiz maker-upper, freelancer, professional Strider bike builder, score recorder, and journalist. Am I leaving anything out?

Just a thought, but one thing I know is my taxes would have been a lot easier on my dad if I could have just made up my mind!